Become a member
Support a noble cause
By becoming a member of Arborescence, you join a supportive community that is committed to promoting the essential role of caregivers of people living with mental health problems. Your membership directly contributes to supporting our mission of providing quality services and resources to these individuals and their loved ones.
Access to exclusive services
As an Arborescence member, you have access to a range of individual and group services designed to support you in your role as a caregiver. These services, offered in a safe and caring environment, allow you to:
Develop your knowledge and skills on mental health and the challenges experienced by caregivers.
Exchange with other people who experience similar realities and thus break isolation.
Get emotional support and advice on taking care of yourself and your loved one.
Participate in activities promoting well-being and solidarity.
A feeling of belonging to a community
Becoming a member of Arborescence also means joining a warm and welcoming community where you will feel understood and supported. You will have the opportunity to build relationships with other caregivers and share your experiences in a climate of respect and confidentiality.
How to become a member?
Comment devenir membre?
Suivez ces instructions du debut à la fin. Revenez ici en cas de doute pendant le processus.
Remplir le formulaire d'adhesion
Vous serez amené sur une autre page web afin de remplir le formulaire d'adhesion.
To become a member, simply follow these steps. If you have difficulty paying, return to this page to select an alternative payment method.
Complete the membership form
You will be taken to another web page to complete the membership form.
Pay through Zeffy by clicking on the Zeffy button below.
Zeffy accepts credit and debit cards, Apple pay and Google pay. Zeffy also offers to obtain your donation receipt for your taxes the same day. Once payment is made, you will receive confirmation within the next business days.
*Zeffy does not charge additional fees. Zeffy Accepts credit, debit, Apple Pay and Google Pay cards. Zeffy also offers to obtain a donation receipt for your taxes the same day if you decide to add a donation.
Pay thanks to Zeffy
Zeffy accepts credit and debit cards, Apple pay and Google pay. Zeffy also offers to obtain your donation receipt for your taxes the same day.