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Family Peer Supporters

Please note: when you contact the helpline, you are not directly in contact with Arborescence.


This initiative is the result of a collaboration between several mental health organizations across the Quebec region.


By calling the line you will be able to benefit from listening and support from peer family caregivers.​ Family peer caregivers are loved ones of a person living with a mental health disorder, trained to offer attentive listening, hope, information, and support to parents as well as to members of the entourage.​​


The line is available at the following times:

Monday: 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday: 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.

About ...

Peer support is a growing practice, both in Quebec and internationally. At Arborescence, we have been integrating family peer support workers into our teams since 2019.

These family peer helpers, members of the entourage of people living with a mental health disorder, provide emotional support and a deep understanding of the realities and challenges faced by loved ones. Through their lived experience and their own journey, they offer hope, information and mutual assistance to those around them. This team of trained professionals plays a key role in supporting loved ones in mental health.

Family peer support services are offered internally within Arborescence and externally in certain partner CIUSSS services.

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